Volume: 40 Issue: 4
Year: 2020, Page: 557-559, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51248/.v40i4.344
Calcification of basal ganglia is known as FAHR’s syndrome or FAHR’s disease. It’s a rare phenomenon which generally affects the young to middle aged adults. A 39-year-old female was sent to the radiology department of Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai for computed tomography (CT) as she had a fall and injured her forehead. An axial plain CT scan without contrast was advised and performed. The CT study revealed mild frontal peri cranial swelling and calcification of dentate nucleus, basal ganglia, central semiovale and frontoparietal subcortical white matter was observed. On examination, however patient did not present with any other movement disorders.
Keywords: FAHR’s Syndrome; calcification; basal ganglia; dentate nucleus
Archana Rajasundaram, Nitya Waghray, W.M.S. Johnson. An accidental finding of FAHR’s syndrome during computed tomography of skull – A case report. Biomedicine: 2020; 40(4): 557-559