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Volume: 43 Issue: 3

  • Open Access
  • Case Report

Apnea test induced barotrauma in an obese subject with a short neck - A case report

Senthil Purushothaman1, Ali Al Bshabshe2, Alwadai Nasser Mohammed M.3, Naif Sulaiman3, Omprakash Palanivel1

1Chettinad School of Physiotherapy, Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute (CHRI), Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE), Kelambakkam, India
2Department of Medicine/Adult Critical Care, King Khalid University, Consultant Adult Critical Care Medicine,
Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia
3Department of Respiratory Care Unit, Intensive Care Unit, Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia

Corresponding author: Omprakash Palanivel. Email: [email protected]

Year: 2023, Page: 1061-1065, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51248/.v43i3.2224


Death is an assured inevitability event for all living beings of this cosmos. Based on the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) recommendations, clinical diagnosis of Brain Death (BD) includes multiple sequences of tests. The Apnea Test (AT) is a more significant procedure in diagnosing BD. Unfortunately, complications during this procedure can occur more frequently than documented, and its incidence is limited to case reports. However, most critical care physicians and Cardio-respiratory therapists consider an AT a principal method to confirm BD as it provides decisive information about the definitive loss of brainstem function. Here, we describe the execution of the AT procedure that transpired into extensive subcutaneous emphysema, tension pneumothorax, and pneumoperitoneum followed by pulseless electrical activity due to direct airway perforation by the supplemental oxygen catheter. In addition, we do a literature review on airway complications incidence and suggest methods to avoid such fatal complications. Finally, further prospective studies are recommended to evaluate the barotrauma incidence and complication nature during AT.

Keywords: Brain death (BD); Apnea test (AT); Endotracheal tube (ETT); Body mass index (BMI).


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Cite this article

Senthil Purushothaman, Ali Al Bshabshe, Alwadai Nasser Mohammed M., Naif Sulaiman, Omprakash Palanivel. Apnea test induced barotrauma in an obese subject with a short neck - A case report. Biomedicine: 2023; 43(3): 1061-1065
