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Volume: 43 Issue: 1

  • Open Access
  • Short communications/brief reports

Comparison of different varmam approaches by varmam practitioners of various places in Tamil Nadu in the treatment of thandaga vadham (lumbar spondylosis)

M. SriSakthi Logisha1, G. Nivetha2, M. Mohamed Mustafa3, T. R. Siddiq Ali4, N. J. Muthukumar5, V. Mahalakshmi6

1Sirappu Maruthuvam Department,
2,5Varmam Maruthuvam Department, 6Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam,
National Institute of Siddha, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
3,4Department of Varmam Maruthuvam, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Corresponding author: G. Nivetha. Email: [email protected]


Year: 2023, Page: 521-524, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51248/.v43i01.1998


Introduction and Aim: Varmam is a unique technique used by Siddhars and followed by Siddha physicians. The Varmam technique is a double-edged sword as it could be used both positively and negatively and is taught only through Guru Kulakalvi (Guru- Seizhya manner) by Varmam practitioners to only a few students having Sivayogi characters. This study aims to recover and establish different Varmam approaches used in the treatment of Thandaga vadham from various assan practicing in different places of Tamil Nadu.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 9 Varmam assan were selected from 3 different zonal areas of Tamil Nadu. The survey involved mentor name, disease diagnosing methods, terms, precautions, patient preparation, Varmapulligal –location, technical methods, contraindications, Pathiyam-Abathiyam advice, etc.,
Results: Among 9 assan, the survey questionnaires give salient information about varmam therapy in that same anatomical location with multiple local terminologies, different kinds of technique and methodology, duration of technique, the importance of medication and Varma kanjikal etc.,
Conclusion: This study would help in initiating the standardization of varmam points and techniques as well as help Siddha practitioners in selecting/choosing varmam techniques and methods in the treatment of thandaga vadham

Keywords: Ayush; Siddha; varmam; thandaga vadham; lumbar spondylosis; assan/varmani


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Cite this article

M. SriSakthi Logisha, G. Nivetha, M. Mohamed Mustafa, T. R. Siddiq Ali, N. J. Muthukumar, V. Mahalakshmi. Comparison of different varmam approaches by varmam practitioners of various places in Tamil Nadu in the treatment of thandaga vadham (lumbar spondylosis). Biomedicine: 2023; 43(1): 521-524
