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Volume: 44 Issue: 4

  • Open Access
  • Original Article

Eating attitude and its relationship with gender among first year MBBS students using EAT-26 questionnaire in a medical college in West Bengal: A cross-sectional study

Madhumanti Thakur1,Tirthankar Guha Thakurta2*

1, 2 Department of Physiology, KPC Medical College & Hospital, Jadavpur, Kolkata.

*Corresponding Author
Email: [email protected]

Year: 2024, Page: 399-405, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51248/v44i4.122


Introduction and Aim Studies revealed dissatisfaction with body weight among university students in industrialized countries. This study aims to identify the influence of gender and socio-demographic factors on the eating attitude among medical students in West Bengal. Materials and Methods This was an observational cross-sectional study conducted at KPC Medical College & Hospital, on 112 students of Phase-I of MBBS. Each participant was handed a pre-validated EAT-26 (Eating Attitudes Test - 26) questionnaire. EAT-26 scores across individual parameters were analyzed using IBM SPSS 14. Comparison between groups was done using Mean ± SD and Student’s T Test and associations predicted using Chi-square tests. Results Female students had greater mean EAT-26 score (mean = 18.63) compared to the male students (mean = 14.57). The prevalence of a significant EAT-26 score (≥ 20) is more in female participants compared to males (41% of all female participants, as compared to 25% of all male participants had EAT26 score ≥ 20). An unpaired Student’s T test, performed to compare the EAT-26 scores of male and female students revealed t-value of 2.34679, p-value of .010363. The result is significant at p < .05. Socio-demographic variables like area of residence or place of stay did not have any statistically significant association with the EATscores. Conclusion Female students are at a greater risk of eating disorders than their male counterparts. Hence, educational programs at community level to modify unhealthy eating habits and correct body dysmorphism are recommended.

Keywords: Eating disorders; EAT-26; Gender; Medical students.

Cite this article

Madhumanti Thakur,Tirthankar Guha Thakurta. Eating attitude and its relationship with gender among first year MBBS students using EAT-26 questionnaire in a medical college in West Bengal: A cross-sectional study. Biomedicine: 2024, 44(4): 399-405
