Volume: 43 Issue: 1
Year: 2023, Page: 532-534, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51248/.v43i01.2688
Garre’s osteomyelitis or proliferative periostitis is a chronic osteomyelitis condition in young individuals. It is many times correctly diagnosed in a later stage due to less chances of clinical encounter by dental professionals. This is a report of a case of proliferative periostitis in a 9 year old boy who came with a chief complaint of painful swelling in the right lower third of the face for the past 1 month. On extraoral examination, there was a localized swelling over the right side of the mandible in the posterior aspect without any secondary changes. On palpation, it was felt hard in consistency and non-tender. There was a mild expansion of the lingual and buccal cortex in the region of 46. CBCT imaging was done which showed laminated appearance of new periosteal bone formation in the inferior border of the mandible and along the buccal cortex. Endodontic management of 46 and antibiotic therapy was given to the patient.
Keywords: Garre’s osteomyelitis; proliferative periostitis; CBCT; endodontic therapy; antibiotic therapy.
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