Volume: 43 Issue: 1
Year: 2023, Page: 528-531, Doi: https://doi.org/10.51248/.v43i01.1691
The radicular cyst is a common visitant in a dental office especially dealing with the non-vital tooth. It is a sequela of apical periodontitis, and it is often associated with carious teeth. Trauma from occlusion, in the long run, will lead to apical periodontitis. The association of radicular cyst with trauma from occlusion is rare, and this case report is one such incidence. A 38- year -old male patient reported with the chief complaint of mobility and swelling in the lower front teeth region for one month. Radiographs revealed a radiolucency around the apices of the mandibular central and lateral incisors. Trauma from occlusion was diagnosed using the fremitus test. Root canal therapy, surgical excision of the lesion, splinting, and coronoplasty was done concerning the affected teeth. The excised lesion on histopathological analysis revealed a cystic connective tissue capsule with a band of chronic inflammatory cells and abundant cholesterol clefts. This 18 month follow up case report emphasizes the rare occurrence of radicular cyst in the anterior mandible with a not-so-familiar etiology and possible ways to avoid its recurrence.
Keywords: Trauma; root canal therapy; excision; radicular cyst; coronoplasty
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Anu Chandran, Anegundi Raghavendra Vamsi, Biju Thomas, S. V. Sreelatha. Radicular cyst as an epilogue of trauma from occlusion at an unfamiliar site: A rare case report. Biomedicine: 2023; 43(1): 528-531